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Teresa Lally
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Pembroke, Massachusetts

Teresa Lally maintains a private acupuncture and healing practice in historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. For years, she has explored her interest in the metaphysical, and is a founding member of Reaching Beyond with Love & Light, a group that conducts Spirit investigations and facilitates clearings by use of both scientific and psychic/medium techniques, including Table Tipping. She lives on the south shore with her husband, two busy teenagers, and three rescue dogs.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Healing Table: Mediumship & More
Table Tipping, an amazing, interactive form of physical mediumship, is so much more than a way to demonstrate that the spirit world exists and to communicate with those in it. It can facilitate, support, and bring about healing in a myriad of ways and levels on both a personal and global scale. This book delves into these many ways, outlining different types of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and interspersing each with personal stories that will leave you full of wonder. Specific meditations, techniques and tools are detailed to help you experience your own ‘healing table’. read more
by Teresa Lally ~ 0-7414-9924-X ©2013
Price: $9.95

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