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Sheryl Bekstrom-Guthrie
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San Bernadino, California

Sheryl Bekstrom-Guthrie is a lifelong animal rights activist. She has spent many years as a Veterinary Technician and caring for sick and injured animals. She is a Wildlife Rehabilitator who spends most of her time caring for the animals that she has rescued from abuse. She currently has several snakes and lizards, from corn snakes and pythons to giant red tailed boas, from iguanas to blue tongued skinks. She is currently involved with the Humane Society’s Animal Cruelty Investigations Unit.

Sheryl lives in San Bernardino, California with her husband and children who are also involved with environmental and conservation efforts.

Selected works by this author:
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Crocodile Tears: The Larger Than Life Story of Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter
Steve Irwin’s existence and what made him the hero he was is described in detail in this biography of his life and the love he had for family and wildlife. read more
by Sheryl Bekstrom-Guthrie ~ 0-7414-5326-6 ©2009
Price: $13.95

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