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Nichole Nesbitt
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Brandywine, Maryland

The author is a Junior studying commerical writing at Pensacola Christian College in Florida. She is a Maryland native, and has a heart for novels that are rich in landscapes and unforgettable characters. Her heart-stirring plots are crested out of a desire to lead others to a closer walk with God. The Journey of Faith is her first novel. She is currently working on the second book in the Esrail series.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Journey of Faith
Nerissa Thompson, a head-strong young girl, suddenly finds herself whisked away to a foreign land of elves, magic, and mystery. Can she survive this new world? Can she return home? Determined to learn the truth, Nerissa finds a friend and ally, and together they take a journey of faith...and the destination changes everything. read more
by Nichole Nesbitt ~ 0-7414-5007-0 ©2009
Price: $21.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
A Search for Strength
She was jealous of the strength her sister had in life, but when she finds friends as well, she realizes the need for a strength of her own. read more
by Nichole Nesbitt ~ 0-7414-6855-7 ©2012
Price: $23.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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