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John Bennett Sears
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

John Bennett Sears is a retired high school history teacher living in Philadelphia. During his 36-years career with the Philadelphia School District, he was active in writing curriculum and in the American Federation of Teachers. His recently published articles include “When Your Principal Gets Called Up” which he co-authored (as Ben Sears) with colleague Jason Klugman PhD and which was included in the collection, Defeating Terrorism; Developing Dreams, volume III (Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers 2004), Arthur Shostak, Ed. He holds a PhD in history from Temple University (1988), and he currently serves as labor editor of Political Affairs magazine.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Generation of Resistance: The Electrical Unions and the Cold War
This book focuses on one union that stood at the vortex of the argument half a century ago that can inform our thinking as American labor debates is future today. read more
by John Bennett Sears ~ 0-7414-4868-8 ©2008
Price: $17.95

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