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Gaylon Barrow
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Mount Pleasant, Texas

Gaylon Barrow - (September 1938-) was born in Titus County, Texas, to American parents, grew up in Mount Pleasant, Texas, and enlisted in the U.S. Army, May 12, 1965. For thirty years he served his country in this capacity as a Platoon Sergeant, Field First Sergeant and First Sergeant of an (Mechanized) Infantry Company. Educated at, "The Army Institute, Ft. Eustis, VA where he received an education in English, Literature & Creative Writing, graduating with the 'Advanced Senior Non-Commissioned Officer's diploma'. Mister Barrow received numerous service medals during his career. Barrow served during the, 'Cold War', 'Era of Vietnam', and 'Desert Shield'.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Hanging at Stinking Creek
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by Gaylon Barrow ~ 0-7414-0365-X ©2000
Price: $13.95

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