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Trevor Chambers
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Saucier, Mississippi

Trevor Chambers is a homebody who lives in the Gulf Coast region, though is originally from Charlotte, North Carolina. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching sports, and reading horror novels. Trevor gets his inspiration from the inhumanities of life. Be sure to catch future works from him, for they are sure to be some twisted tales.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Den of the Wolf
A ferocious tale of racism, violence, and the macabre. A story of one man’s loss and another man’s vengeance. Events spiral out of control as a very bad man is brought back to life to wreak havoc on a common street gang. Den of the Wolf is not for the weak of heart!!!! read more
by Trevor Chambers ~ 0-7414-4259-0 ©2007
Price: $14.95

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