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Melvin L. Williams
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Alexandria, Virginia

“I only need to see sunshine one time to know that the sun rises.” Those are words of wisdom from the inspirational and motivational new poet, Melvin L. Williams, a young Black male who is filled with a zest for life, tempered with what others describe as an old soul. He enjoys tackling new challenge and sharing new experiences with loved ones. When it’s time to relax, he transforms a new sheet of paper into a work of art or writing project.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A Man of His Word
A Man of His Word awakens the senses and challenges the psyche with a healthy dose of creativity that entices and entertains. This debut anthology of 110 poems effortlessly navigates from the obvious to the complex and back again. read more
by Melvin L. Williams ~ 0-7414-4389-9 ©2007
Price: $21.95

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