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Hari Huberman
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San Francisco, California

Harry Huberman has been a public school teacher for over 30 years, first in New York and currently in San Francisco. As is one of the benefits of teaching, the summer holiday, he has been fortunate to have traveled to many distant lands. He enjoys music, painting, playing tennis and basketball, and is married with a lovely wife, Lee, and two children, Rachel, 20, and David, 17. Also having been to China in July 2006, he was astounded as how modern China is today and how far it has come. But that is material for another book.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Off the Great Wall
Off the Great Wall is a humorous travelogue about the ironies of independent travel in China during the Summer/Fall of 1982, six years after the death of Mao Tse Tung. read more
by Hari Huberman ~ 0-7414-4245-0 ©2007
Price: $15.95

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