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Joseph Kokinda
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Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Joe Kokinda is a technology consultant, experienced solution architect and industry visionary with over 15 years experience designing and building database-centric applications, data warehousing, ETL, reporting, portals and business intelligence solutions. Joe has presented at numerous industry events and conferences over the years and enjoys engaging peers and colleagues on technology solutions, trends and direction. Joe has a wide range of experience and diverse background from completing projects and working for companies in various industries including: pharmaceutical, multimedia, NFL, banking/financial, advertising, wireless technology and retail. Joe truly enjoys his work and focus and admits the most fulfilling part of his job is learning new technology, applying that knowledge, and helping people by solving their business problems.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Building the Information Asset
Business Intelligence solutions are only the beginning of enhanced reporting. The Information Asset will change the way companies think, react and use their intelligence to make decisions. read more
by Joseph Kokinda ~ 0-7414-4223-X ©2007
Price: $10.95

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