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H. Les Brown
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Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

H. Les Brown, MA, CFCC grew up in an entrepreneurial family and has been an entrepreneur for most of his life. Les is a certified Franklin Covey coach and a certified Marshall Goldsmith Leadership Effectiveness coach. He has Masters Degrees in philosophy and theology from the University of Ottawa. His experience includes ten years in the ministry and over fifteen years in corporate management. His expertise as an innovator and change strategist has enabled him to develop a program that allows his clients to effect deep and lasting change in their personal and professional lives.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Frazzled Entrepreneur's Guide to Having it All: Seven Strategies For Living A Balanced Life
H. Les Brown presents seven essential, practical strategies that entrepreneurs can use to change the way they approach the challenges of an over-committed life. read more
by H. Les Brown ~ 0-7414-4365-1 ©2007
Price: $15.95

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