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Raymond Clark Lutz
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El Cajon, California

Raymond Lutz is an active contributor to the technical and scientific community, and he has published hundreds of papers, technical documents, user manuals, and public standards. Knowledgeable in science, engineering, and marketing, Mr. Lutz holds several patents, has been part of numerous start-up enterprises, and is involved in the latest developments in biotechnology and physics. His interest in the science versus religion controversy extends back many years. A keen marketer and public speaker, Mr. Lutz has organized many industry conferences and development groups. He holds a Master of Science degree in Electronics Engineering.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Coils of the Serpent
Three friends discover convincing evidence that DNA and the patterns of life are described in the Bible; the discovery challenges Darwin, the foundations of the Church, and ruthless fundamentalist extremists. read more
by Raymond Clark Lutz ~ 0-7414-4228-0 ©2007
Price: $18.95

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