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Gregory Collins
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Gregory  Collins
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Gregory Collins is a public speaker, master trainer, freelance writer and entrepreneur. He is also an active duty Naval Officer (Marine Engineer), with over twenty years of leadership experience. He has trained, mentored and advised thousands of government and business professionals in leadership and strategic thinking matters. Additionally, he is the recipient of various leadership, community and humanitarian service awards. Collins holds Master of Science degrees in both Social Science and Engineering Management. He is currently working on the “The Radiant Leader” book series.

Selected works by this author:
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The Radiant Powers of Success
The Radiant Powers of Success is a motivating, thought-provoking, and character-building leadership book. Thousands of leaders from various occupations have learned how to identify and attract success to them and their businesses (or organizations) through the power of Radiant Leadership! read more
by Gregory Collins ~ 0-7414-4179-9 ©2007
Price: $13.95

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