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Vin Doctor
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North Andover, Massachusetts

“Who the hell is Vin Doctor?”

Vin Doctor is a writer, over thirty years old and below two hundred. He has traveled far and wide to exotic locations, like New Hampshire, and once to Canada for a few days. Women have loved him, although they never told him, or showed him, or noticed him in any way, but this didn't stop the Doctor from becoming the single-most rejected writer of his generation, and perhaps of all-time. In the immortal words of the famed artist Pablo Picasso:

“No paint, no canvas, no stroke of brush could ever capture the Doctor, and do him justice.”

Neither can we, so we shall not try.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Auntie Lists
A new brand of outrageous comedy from a new type of comedy writer! Bizarre, crazy, but always direct! Better than sex or potato chips, you can't eat just one! The Auntie lists!!! read more
by Vin Doctor ~ 0-7414-4183-7 ©2007
Price: $10.95

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