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Joe Loughlin
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Belton, Texas

Joe Loughlin, serves as President/Executive Director of ReKindle Ministries, which he founded after twenty-plus years in local church ministry. ReKindle seeks to meet the spiritual renewal and refreshment needs of ministry leaders and their congregations through biblical encouragement, inspiration and humor (a lot of humor).

Joe’s ministry is known for two things: being real and really funny. Through ReKindle, he has impacted lives on both the east and west coasts, in fifteen states and on the continents of Europe and North Africa.

For booking or additional information about Joe’s ministry, please see or email Joe directly at

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Just Add Water
In Just Add Water, Joe Loughlin shares the most hilarious things he has seen happen in church, including those things occurring at baptisms, communion, weddings and, yes, even funerals. read more
by Joe Loughlin ~ 0-7414-4141-1 ©2007
Price: $13.95

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