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Barbara Mountain Ackman
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Scottsdale, Arizona

Barbara was born in Monongahela, Pennsylvania in 1929 into a loving, Christian family. Her grandfather, a minister, felt a deep love for the Indian people traveling to many reservations. This feeling was instilled within her as a child. Marrying her life companion, Richard, in 1950 they raised two daughters, then moved to Arizona in 1973. The family grew to six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She enjoys a deep religious belief, a passionate love for people, and a deep sense of family. At the age of 50, she yearned to make a difference in someone’s life – the Lord led her to the Indian people.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Pima Maricopa Rememberances: God's Plan for Me
She journeyed into an unknown culture of mistrust and skepticism only to find her self consumed with their problems, and entrapped by their love. read more
by Barbara Mountain Ackman ~ 0-7414-3889-5 ©2007
Price: $14.95

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