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Michael A. LaFlamme & Michael D. Poe
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Detroit / Portland, Michigan

Michael LaFlamme and Michael Poe have known each other for over thirty years. In that time they have been fast food cooks, waiters, actors, students, patients, husbands, husbands again, maintenance engineers, assemblers, comedians (so they claim), pirates (Really! They were taking applications!), video and shoe store managers (please kill us now), delivery drivers, bartenders, airport security during the first Gulf war, and band camp janitors (ew). Having tried every other dirty job, they figured they might as well try being authors. Mike L. lives in Hillsboro, Oregon and Mike P. lives near Detroit, Michigan. And now available on eBook.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Blacksent: Book of the Umbra
Blood-debt haunts Ncon, an Assassin’s unforgiven legacy. With the swordmage Figment, and the wizard Zandor’s subversive guidance, Ncon returns to his homeland to face his God, and kill once more. read more
by Michael A. LaFlamme & Michael D. Poe ~ 0-7414-3810-0 ©2007
Price: $14.95

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