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Michelle LaClae Cummings
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Cheney, Washington

The author is a Registered Nurse with a Gerontological Certification, as well as a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. After her children were fully grown, she went back to school, and while continuing to work full-time obtained her Masters in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Health Care Management. In her spare time, she enjoys being part of the “sandwich generation”. She continues to honor her parents, dote on her children and grandchildren, work as a Health Care Professional, teach “dementia-care” classes to care-givers, and travel the world with her husband, though not always in that order.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
"To Honor" is for a Lifetime
Based on over thirty years experience working in the Long-Term Care arena, the author literally goes “out on a limb” to provide valuable, insider information you won’t want to miss! read more
by Michelle LaClae Cummings ~ 0-7414-3591-8 ©2006
Price: $13.95

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