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Anita Cole Alcorn with Gloria Stanton
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Burnside, Kentucky

Before retiring to Kentucky with her military husband, Anita Alcorn lived at military bases in many states including Alaska, and in Germany. A member of the Mill Springs Battlefield Association, she has toured the battlefield and observed reenactments. A Mississippi native, Alcorn has worked with middle-grade children for many years.

Gloria Stanton has written and published nonfiction, poetry and fiction for both children and adults. Her work has appeared in local, regional and national publications. She remembers the last survivor of the Union Army, Albert Woolson of the First Minnesota Regiment under General George Thomas. Stanton has six grandsons.

Selected works by this author:
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Caught in the Crossfire: A Boy's View of the Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky
Ben Hobbs’ pa was a Rebel, his cousin Josh’s a Yankee. When the boys sneaked off for fun, they didn’t know they were headed into the Battle of Mill Springs! read more
by Anita Cole Alcorn with Gloria Stanton ~ 0-7414-3581-0 ©2006
Price: $8.95

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