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Gordon Brainerd
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Covington, Washington

Gordon’s spirit of adventure started almost at birth. He and his brother would lie on the floor in front of the radio completely engrossed in “Jack Armstrong, the All American Boy,” “The Green Hornet,” and “Sky King.” Later, his favorite lullaby was the sound of the late night train passing through town. In his imagination, he traveled the world. In the final year of World War II, when he turned sixteen, his father suggested he join the Merchant Marines. Gordon jumped at the chance. His imaginary places soon became reality far beyond his wildest dreams and changed his life forever.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Bell Bottom Boys
Volunteering for WWII’s most hazardous duty—the Merchant Marines—during what should have been his years of innocence, a small town boy of 16 struggles to maintain his hometown values. read more
by Gordon Brainerd ~ 0-7414-3399-0 ©2006
Price: $22.95

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