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Morris H. Kramer
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Atlantic Beach, New York

Morris Kramer won a landmark U.S. Supreme Court voting rights case which also eased passage of the 26th Amendment permitting 18 year olds to vote. He led an effort to block a proposed Federal Constitutional Convention which many experts felt would have been our worst constitutional crisis since the Civil War and may have taken away our voting rights and also our Bill of rights. He also began an effort to prevent a potentially close Presidential election from being tied up in the courts.

Kramer started and led a very secret effort in 1970 to prevent the American economy from totally collapsing. He acted behind the scenes to help prevent potentially the worst racial violence of the last century and to block international terrorism.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
How to Vote Effectively on a Non-Partisan Basis
Provides “Rules of Thmb” to vote effectively and gain equality in voting booth. Special Advice for young voters section. Discusses official voting abuses, suggests reforms, need for a second Vice President. read more
by Morris H. Kramer ~ 0-7414-3680-9 ©2006
Price: $11.95

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