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James A. Jimason
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Temple Hills, Maryland

James A. Jimason was born and raised in the Washington DC, Metropolitan area, and educated in the Maryland Public School system. He has a three-year diploma in Ministerial Studies from the Spirit of Faith Bible Institute. He started writing in 2000 and hasn’t stopped since. He believes that everyone has a story to tell, and hopes that more would use the art of writing, to show forth the glory of God. He is an author, a Bible teacher, a devoted husband, a proud father, a son, and most of all – a man of God.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Dante's Destiny: Nothing is What it Seems
Dante’s Destiny is a thrill ride that will keep you guessing, until the end. Just when you think you have it all figured out, you realize that you don’t have a clue. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-3493-8 ©2006
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
Chapter Two: The Winds of Change
This book brings inspiration and encouragement to those, who dare to believe God for the impossible. So get ready to go to the next level in your faith in God. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-3967-0 ©2007
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating:

3 .
God's House: Returning to the Heart of Ministry
God’s House is about going back to the beginning, going back to the heart of God and the value of the church. It is time to rebuild. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-5237-5 ©2009
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating:

4 .
Dante's Destiny II: Lights Out
After the death of A. J. Grimason, there arose an even greater threat to Dante’s Destiny – Grimason II. He is hell-bent on finishing what his father started. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-5445-9 ©2009
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

5 .
For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny
Too often, people follow fads and trends with no understanding of what it all means. For Adults Only is about taking control of your life to fulfill the dreams within your heart. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-5871-3 ©2010
Price: $11.95

  Average Rating:

6 .
Dante's Destiny III: Millennial Reign
The country conducts the largest withdrawal in military history. Then over two-billion people vanish from off the face of the earth. In an instant, the world plunges back into darkness. read more
by James A. Jimason ~ 0-7414-6436-5 ©2011
Price: $18.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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