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Duffie J. Taylor
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Dolton, Illinois

The Author was born and raised in the state of Arkansas. After graduating from McMittress High School, she attended Muskegon School of Business. Over the years, she worked as a secretary while raising her four daughters and taking a few college classes. When the youngest daughter became a senior in college, the Author returned to college full time, and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Chicago State University. Another book coming soon by the Author: "Life in Fertile Soil"

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Surviving College After 60
Surviving College After 60 is written to motivate those who always wanted to attend college, and who thus far, have not made the effort to get started. When you read this book, you will be fired up and ready to go. read more
by Duffie J. Taylor ~ 0-7414-3412-1 ©2006
Price: $9.95

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