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Co-authors Shah & Messinger
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Wilmington, Delaware

Lillian Shah and Laura Messinger have both acted as caretakers for terminally ill mothers and elder sisters. Three years ago, while talking about their mutual frustrations with doctors, hospitals, insurance providers, and their disheartening efforts to gather and organize crucial information, they realized both had been thinking of the serious need for a comprehensive system of maintaining one’s own medical records at home. Together they have written the book envisioned that day.

Lillian is the retired Founder/Director of the Elementary Workshop Montessori School in Wilmington, DE. Laura is currently Director of the Extended Day Program at the Elementary Workshop.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Keeping Healthy by Keeping Track: A Complete Guide to Maintaining Your Own Medical Records
A simple yet comprehensive method of maintaining your own medical records at home. 75 charts to choose from to centralize all your health information. Emergency? Grab your records and go! read more
by Co-authors Shah & Messinger ~ 0-7414-3372-9 ©2006
Price: $19.95

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