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Martin Wendell
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Colon, Michigan

Now writing almost full time, Martin Wendell lives in rural southern Michigan with his loving wife Nancy and their large family.

Politically traditional (some may say ‘conservative’), he believes that governments intrude way too far into our private and business lives. Could the events of The Forfeiture happen in real life? Next time they seize a vehicle from someone on a ‘real police’ type TV show, notice if it belonged to the perpetrator – or to his mother! Perhaps an unwitting friend or even his employer? How would you react if it were yours? Please visit:

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Forfeiture
Like a computerized Sheriff of Nottingham, the big spending City of New Ashgrove seizes the home of a skilled and determined family after the SWAT team kills their only son. read more
by Martin Wendell ~ 0-7414-3269-2 ©2006
Price: $13.95

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2 .
The Restitution
The Forfeiture’s author explores the human cost of another government revenue enhancement scheme. Are we on the verge of this sort of thing, or is it already happening? read more
by Martin Wendell ~ 0-7414-5783-0 ©2010
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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