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Shirley Hiter
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Richmond, Virginia

Shirley resides in Richmond Virginia. Originally from a small town in Ontario Canada, she moved to the United States in October of 2003 to be with her fiancé. They married that same month, and in August of 2005, she became a permanent resident. Born November 11th 1970, she developed a love and appreciation for the written word at an early age. She began writing her own material as a teenager, focusing on fantasy and science fiction. Since that time, she has completed 6 short stories, and over 30 poems. Her other passions include her husband, and their adorable Siamese kitten.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Creator Born
Creator Born: The journey of a young woman. With newly found powers, she discovers she alone has been chosen to save her world. Will her magic and courage be enough? read more
by Shirley Hiter ~ 0-7414-3177-7 ©2006
Price: $18.95

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