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Jim Wygand
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Sarasota, Florida

Jim Wygand has provided seminars on personal security to companies, diplomats, government security personnel, schools, families and individuals for the past 12 years. He has been involved in the negotiation of several kidnaps and has written numerous articles and monographs on the issue of personal security. His method for avoiding violent crime is based on the same techniques employed by law enforcement, CIA, FBI, diplomatic and military personnel, to recognize and deal with possible danger. He has a strong personal reason for writing this book and he wants YOU and YOUR FAMILY to be safe.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Offshored, Outsourced, Re-Engineered, Fired
Losing your job is a serious personal crisis. Crisis management consultant Jim Wygand offers suggestions for planning for, absorbing, and managing the crisis that results from job loss. read more
by Jim Wygand ~ 0-7414-2961-6 ©2006
Price: $10.95

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2 .
The Secure Urbanite: Personal Security in the Asphalt & Concrete Jungle
Do you feel safe in your city? If not, this book will help you be secure without recourse to bodyguards, martial arts training, and expensive security equipment. read more
by Jim Wygand ~ 0-7414-3551-9 ©2007
Price: $13.95

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