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Hugh Fraser
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Reno, Nevada

Hugh Fraser M.A. is a college English professor, novelist, trained Acupuncturist, and former Top Secret International Courier Officer for the U.S. Army. His goal is to bring to the reader fast-paced, thought-provoking novels that enlighten, engage, and entertain. Combining ancient wisdom and history with both modern and forgotten mythologies, he immerses the reader in new perspectives about consciousness – “Everything moves, like the river, toward a great ocean of infinite possibilities.” He lives in Reno, NV with his wife Louise and their three West Highland White Terriers.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Oracle Reborn
THE ORACLE REBORN is a “lightning-paced” adventure-thriller about an ancient promise. Filled with high suspense, this novel about prophecy takes you on a heart-stopping journey of discovery. read more
by Hugh Fraser ~ 0-7414-5387-8 ©2009
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
The Mirror of God
The Mirror of God takes the reader on a dangerous, inspiring, and breathtaking journey to Heaven on Earth, a timeless place of high adventure, unending mystery, and eternal wisdom. read more
by Hugh Fraser ~ 0-7414-5555-2 ©2009
Price: $18.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
The Omega Oracle
Powered by provocative characters and ongoing suspense, The Omega Oracle is an end-time’s thriller about an inspiring and dangerous journey across four continents to save the world. read more
by Hugh Fraser ~ 0-7414-5972-8 ©2010
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
The Star Tablet
The Star Tablet reveals mysteries hidden for centuries, answers questions about alien interventions, points to revelations about mankind’s origins, and uncovers plots to suppress ancient knowledge. read more
by Hugh Fraser ~ 9781495820458 ©2017
Price: $23.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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