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Victoria Airisun
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Crozet, Virginia

V. Airisun wrote her first poem Watercolor following her graduation from James Madison University in Virginia. In 1985, she met a friend who had a journalism degree and was locally published. With her support, Airisun began an avid interest in some classic and more modern feminists poets, such as Adrienne Rich and Sylvia Plath. Her intense desire for healing herself and the planet stem from recovering from a serious environmental illness and her discovery of her Cherokee roots. She continues to reside in the Blue Ridge Mountains as she pursues her passion for healing with her second book.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Androgyny, Rebirth and Mother Earth
This fascinating compilation of poems invites the reader into personal transformation as the author shares her perspective of passionate soul-love (Androgyny), intense inward evolution (Rebirth), and a powerful spiritual connection with Nature (Mother Earth). read more
by Victoria Airisun ~ 0-7414-2618-8 ©2005
Price: $11.95

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