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Albert A. Auerbach, Ph.D.
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Philadelphia,, Pennsylvania

Dr. Auerbach’s career spans five decades as scientist and entrepreneur. After four years in the U.S. Army, he joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. in 1946, became Chief Engineer of the Computer Division of Underwood Corp. in 1952, founded a computer company, Digitronics Corp. in 1957, retired in 1962, got his Ph.D. in Biophysics at Columbia University in 1967, and taught and researched electrical and chemical synapses at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine until 1972, when he founded the Medalert Corp. In 1979 he again retired but consulted in medical electronics until 1989, when he began a study of cosmology. “The God Hypothesis” is the result. Dr. Auerbach also has degrees in Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Biophysics and is a licensed private pilot.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The God Hypothesis and Other Theories of the Universe
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by Albert A. Auerbach, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-0245-9 ©1999
Price: $20.95

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