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Roy T. Weston
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Sharon, Massachusetts

Roy T. Weston has spent more than a quarter of a century in the business world, from the stock room to the board room, gathering the stories and observations that culminate in this book. His work has spanned countries and continents, and introduced him to a cast of characters from secretaries and truck drivers to Fortune 500 chief executives. When not sacrificing to the golfing gods, Mr. Weston is CEO of the management services company, The Business Continuity Group.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A Complete and Utter Disaster
Business continuity is more than just backups and call lists. It belongs at the highest levels of the company. But many executives have ignored it until now. read more
by Roy T. Weston ~ 0-7414-2500-9 ©2005
Price: $15.95

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