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L.K. Chimenti
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Paso Robles, California

L.K. Chimenti, Author, Teacher, Healer; resides in Central Coast California, lives everywhere. This is the author’s second novel; first novel, The Kiss, is also published by Infinity Publishing.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Kiss
This book is for anyone and everyone on this planet who has experienced the feelings of loneliness, despair, and not being enough. To all of you, I say, you can change your life! read more
by L.K. Chimenti ~ 0-7414-2219-0 ©2004
Price: $13.95

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2 .
Naked on a Table
This is a story of a chef named Michael who takes us on a journey through a portion of his life where he discovers the meaning of friendship, love, sadness, laughter, flexibility, and how we are influenced by the people and the events of our lives. This is a story of change, of becoming the person we were meant to be in this life. The story takes place in California wine country and is intertwined with fabulous food, great wine and the people Michael called family and friends. As they say in California, ENJOY! read more
by L.K. Chimenti ~ 0-7414-9811-1 ©2013
Price: $14.95

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