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Neil W. Treister, M.D.
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Fallbrook, California

Neil W. Treister, MD received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Stanford University School of Medicine. He is board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases.

Dr. Treister is the founder of Salus Heart and Wellness, a program that helps people achieve greater life balance and well-being by combining the latest information from traditional cardiology with complementary approaches to healing.

Dr. Treister also serves as the medical director of the Cushman Wellness Center at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego. He is a featured speaker at the Golden Door and for TEC—an international organization of CEOs.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Heartfulness: A Guide to Heart Health and Life Balance
In Heartfulness, Dr. Neil Treister shows you how factors as diverse as diet and meditation, yoga and medication will help you read more
by Neil W. Treister, M.D. ~ 0-7414-1890-8 ©2004
Price: $15.95

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