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M. A. Moore
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San Antonio, Texas

M.A. Moore is a freelance writer by passion and award-winning poet. Born in Germany to military parents, he has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and abroad, and counts owning a restaurant and working in London as an assistant to a member of British Parliament as two of his greatest experiences. Moore, 38, by trade is the Chief Operating Officer of a practice management educational firm. He lives with his sister Linda (a schoolteacher) and his two dogs. In his spare time he enjoys working on their home in the historic Monticello Park subdivision of San Antonio, Texas.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Charlotte and the Magical Maple Leaf
This book is packed with vivid imagery and colorful characters, and will capture the imagination of readers young and old. read more
by M. A. Moore ~ 0-7414-1833-9 ©2004
Price: $14.95

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