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A. Edward Wade
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Newark, Illinois

The author was born in Sandwich IL in 1945. He was drafted into the Army in 1967 after completing three years of college. Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training as a Combat Engineer were both completed at Fort Leonard Wood Mo. The end of 1967 and most of 1968 were spent in Vietnam. This was followed by a short stint at Fort Carson Co. After discharge he completed his Bachelors Degree and spent twenty eight years working in the Transportation Industry before becoming a High School teacher.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Reminds Me of the Time: Vietnam 1968
Several guys, including me, had cameras and took pictures. Some even held up the VC heads like hunting trophies and had other guys take their picture. We all went back to camp and ate a hearty breakfast. Welcome to the Nam. read more
by A. Edward Wade ~ 0-7414-1877-0 ©2004
Price: $13.95

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