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Earl E. Edenfield, Jr
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Jacksonville,, Florida

Earl Edenfield retired from the U. S. Coast Guard in 1973 after twenty-six years of service. During his career he commanded both vessels and shore units. Just prior to his retirement he served as Captain of the Port of Jacksonville, Florida, and on the staff of the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District in Miami, Florida. His other works include The Factory, a unique novel about the search for a narcotics factory in New York, and The Curse of the Aurora, a side-splitting novel about the fate of a Coast Guard vessel that is cursed by a bone fide witch in the Caribbean. He resides in Jacksonville, Florida.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Curse of the Aurora
A Coast Guard vessel is cursed by a Voodoo Queen on St. Kitts in the Caribbean. At least the crew believes they have been cursed. read more
by Earl E. Edenfield, Jr ~ 0-7414-0623-3 ©2001
Price: $13.95

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