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Joan Garcia
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Dixon, Georgia

Joan Garcia, Ph.D. Psychology is the grandmother of six and a retired counselor. She draws upon the richness of her experience to create a bubbling fountain of songs and stories, music and books for children 2 to 102. Some wrap valued life lessons in humor and rhyme. Others allow children to take joy in being children, to laugh at the unexpected twists and turns life brings. Uniquely to her collections, she weaves a narrative that links each story song to the other. As a storyteller, she draws on her Irish roots to bring laughter and thought to those around her.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Footsteps of Angels
Anyone interested in dealing with children – whether you’re parents or not – should enjoy the pleasure of entering Dr. Garcia’s magical world.” read more
by Joan Garcia ~ 0-7414-1602-6 ©2003
Price: $11.95

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