Herbert J. Michelson, Ph.D.
Hadley, Massachusetts
Images was begun early in 1981 when I was Psychological Consultant to a “Therapeutic Community” in the heart of new York City. This was my first foray into the jungle of Substance Abuse and on a nearly daily basis I worked with addicted people in the context of a T.C. of the “Old School” where the “Philosophy” and interpersonal communication consisted of an amalgum of Emersonian Philosophy, substance Abuse lingo, and the language of the street, not to speak of “Inner City” invective used with the ease of expression that so characterizes membership in the drug subculture. It was here my wife, Persis Burlingame Michelson, MSW I received our basic training in a new means of communication and expression, and learned about substance abuse and the “abusers” first hand.
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Herbert J. Michelson, Ph.D.
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