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Don Wilding
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N. Attleboro, Massachusetts

Don Wilding has spent the better part of the last two decades working as an award-winning writer and editor for newspapers in Southeastern Massachusetts, presently as sports editor for The Foxborough Reporter in Foxborough, Massachusetts. He created The Outermost Web Site, an online tribute to Henry Beston and The Outermost House, in 1999, then wrote and composed the 32-page magazine tribute, On its Solitary Dune, for Eastham's 350th Anniversary celebration in 2001. Mr. Wilding is also a founding member of The Henry Beston Society. He lives with his wife, Nita, in North Attleborough, Massachusetts.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Henry Beston's Cape Cod
Don Wilding tells the story behind Beston’s search for the Great Truth on the outer beach in Henry Beston's Cape Cod. read more
by Don Wilding ~ 0-7414-1359-0 ©2003
Price: $12.95

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