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Peter Thomas
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Malverne, New York

Peter Thomas is single, resides in Long Island, New York, and still works at his day job as a staff accountant for a local concern. Peter is possessed of what he describes as a neo-Victorian streak and enjoys Nineteenth-Century oriented literature and film, as well as History and WWII-era songs. He is the author of FOREVER NOW, another novel.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Sweet Robert's Serenade
Some days we work, some we play. Some days war comes knocking, and these things pass away. Do those in perdition’s midst turn only to guns? Or might curious weapons be found in caches no attacker could seize or neutralize…? read more
by Peter Thomas ~ 0-7414-1675-1 ©2003
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Forever Now
A meek, nondescript fellow stopped dreaming and before the harsh eyes of his abiding reality, he chances into the greatest gift life can offer. read more
by Peter Thomas ~ 0-7414-1241-1 ©2002
Price: $12.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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