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Theopoetics -- Spiritual Poetry for Contemporary Theology and Daily Reading

Mike Garner (Author)

ISBN: 9781495811210 ©2016
Price: $22.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 158 pages

Theopoetics is a collection of poems that inspire the reader’s theological thoughts and awareness. As contemplative theology and a daily devotional exercise this book can be enjoyed for years.

Theopoetics is the inspirational poetry of a practicing theologian whose experience in a Missional community of young people required imaginative and aesthetic writing and speech that could reach beyond the reductionist teachings of populous thinking. Each poem is followed by a type of theopoetic prose offering further contemplation, but not meant to be definitive for all that the imagination can bring.
The theology of the poetry is not related to systematic theological efforts, rather they are an expression of radical imagination filled with faith and firmly rooted in scripture. This book was written to ignite the mind and inspire the heart.

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