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Charles Ives's Musical Universe Soft Cover

Antony Cooke (Author)

ISBN: 9781495804779 ©2015
Price: $36.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 582 pages
Category/Subject: MUSIC / General

In this landmark volume on Charles Ives, the largest ever published, detailed analyses are provided across his output, from Variations on America to the Universe Symphony, revealing much of the structural “code” that underlies his music.

In this landmark volume on Charles Ives, the largest ever published, detailed analyses are provided across his output, from Variations on America to the Universe Symphony, revealing much of the structural “code” that underlies his music. There is no comparable volume in existence that provides a similar level or breadth of insight about the composer’s music.
Forensically answering the challenges of revisionism, the real Charles Ives re-emerges for the first time in three decades—no longer of an invention and captive of an alternate universe. Ives and his music emerge taller and more remarkable than ever.

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