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The Mature Man

Gary R. Shiplett (Author)

ISBN: 9781495804540 ©2017
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 296 pages

Finally, a book that deals with rage and perfectionism and helps husbands grow, become better husbands, mature men, and mature lovers. Become a better listener, better communicator, and better man.

What kind of marriage relationship do you have? A helpmate, a stalemate, or a checkmate? The author becomes your marriage coach, helping your relationship grow towards a more fulfilling marriage. You will enhance your inter-personal skill set, become a better communicator, a better husband, a better lover, and a more mature man. You will gain conflict resolution skills and basic skills in both relaxation and erotic massage.
“I hope what I have written here will help those men who find themselves bogged down in a stalemated marriage find a way to get the relationship growing again,” writes the author.

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