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God's Light

Dr. Richard A. Scarnati (Author)

ISBN: 1-60031-114-8 ©2016
Price: $25.95
Category/Subject: RELIGION / General
Audio Book

A Forensic Psychiatric Physician's Experience of Creation from God's Light.

When Dr. Rick Scarnati was born, he was aware of having had an awe-inspiring experience.
Seventy-three years later, he discovered what that experience was, when he was Hypnotically Time Regressed. He was successfully sent back in time to his creation from God's Light.
Dr. Rick Scarnati brings the world three inspirational messages from God's Light:
We were all created from God's Light.
We all have a grave responsibility to reflect God's Light in everything we do.
Because we were created from God's Light, nothing is impossible!

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