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The Good, Good Sheriff & Other Voices as Recorded by Joe Vernetti: Audio Book

Joe Vernetti (Author)

ISBN: 1-60031-010-9 ©2007
Price: $21.95
Category/Subject: AUDIO BOOKS
Audio Book

The Good, Good Sheriff is a collection born from a dream to meld the art of storytelling with truths founded upon the ideals of individuality, personal responsibility, love and hope.

The Good, Good Sheriff melds the short story format with prose designed to make you feel as if the author is weaving a tale just for you ~ the reader. The overlying theme for this collection is based upon the purist form of existentialist philosophy: existing as an individual. Some of the stories will make you laugh while some may bring a tear; yet, all will make you ponder thoughts of personal growth and the relationship of the individual to society as a whole.

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