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Neither Children Nor Gods

Warren Albrecht (Author)

ISBN: 1-4958-0399-6 ©2015
Price: $17.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 274 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

When a way must by found, Rangers “lead the way”. Finding the way is the problem for Zach, the Ranger, Diana, the hard charging Blackhawk pilot and Zach’s former lover, and Professor Treille, the Vietnam veteran, instructor of military history, lost soul, who stands to lose his job and wife. The West Pointers must come of age after a failed hostage rescue mission during the last days of the war in Afghanistan. The professor ironically becomes Zach’s mentor. Can he save the fallen warrior from the same torment, flashbacks, guilt, and depression that have infected Treille’s whole life.
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Customer Reviews

  Well written, fast paced novel , 04/08/2015
Reviewer: Fran Swanson
Albrecht has captured the heartbeat of our service men and women serving in the middle east. The reader can feel what it is like to serve in these areas of operations. It goes beyond just the military operations. The reader goes inside the hearts and minds of our troops. You feel what they are feeling during combat operations. You become part of the brotherhood of our soldiers. These are characters that you can really care about and share in their successes and failures in combat. A very enjoyable read.

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