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The Adventures of a Hardheaded Golf Ball

Paul Harris (Author)

ISBN: 1-4958-0274-4 ©2014
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 74 pages
Category/Subject: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure

Fellow Golfers, We all enjoy talking about our golf games but it is often difficult to convey our passion to children. Please read this book with the little ones and allow Chip’s story to fuel their natural curiosity. This will allow you to answer their questions and maybe even tell a few of your own hardheaded golf ball stories. Hopefully, we can plant the idea that golf really is fun and give more kids the desire to play when they grow up. Sincerely PD Harris

Fellow Golfers,

We all enjoy talking about our golf games but it is often difficult to convey our passion to children. Please read this book with the little ones and allow Chip’s story to fuel their natural curiosity. This will allow you to answer their questions and maybe even tell a few of your own hardheaded golf ball stories. Hopefully, we can plant the idea that golf really is fun and give more kids the desire to play when they grow up.

Sincerely PD Harris

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