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Marie Sheppard Williams (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-8235-5 ©2013
Price: $12.45
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 149 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / General

[Sheppard Williams’]poems about serving others in a dementia ward are especially beautiful. There the surprise comes in discovering the living core of humanity inside a person silenced by disability.

Whether in prose or poetry, Williams is a quintessential storyteller, and we are richer for it. She knows not only that we hunger for story, but that we hunger for surprise, for revelation, even for revolution — to have the tired old assumptions and verities overturned in favor of some glorious, unfulfilled promise or possibility hinted at by our own grievously neglected spiritual traditions, a better outcome than we had let ourselves hope for, though inherent in the situation at hand.

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