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Thanking Our Soldiers


Price: $15.95

Compiled from the letters of listeners to the nationally syndicated radio talk program America’s Morning Show with Quinn and Rose, this collection of inspirational stories demonstrates the generosity, kindness, and basic goodwill of ordinary Americans toward those who proudly serve the nation in uniform. Whether they describe picking up the tab for a soldier’s dinner, or a military person’s own appreciation for the respect and love shown at airport homecomings, these heartwarming and patriotic tales may bring tears to your eyes—and certainly will make you proud to be an American. Included in the collection are a foreword by radio and television host Sean Hannity, an interview with country artist Charlie Daniels, and a listing of organizations that readers may contact to perform their own good deeds in thanking our troops and veterans.

Customer Reviews

  Great Legacy , 11/06/2012
Reviewer: Gregg
Made me cry to hear tales of gratitude for our soldiers. I hope everyone reads and writes their own stories

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  Great compilation! , 12/10/2012
Reviewer: Beth Ann Coonrod
Dear Rose: In my garage, on my way to go into my house after getting home from work, I opened your book to read "just one" of the stories. Half an hour later, I was still standing out in the garage reading "just one more" and "just one more". What a great compilation of stories!

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