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Smarten Up

Herb Romero (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7040-3 ©2012
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 185 pages
Category/Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE / General

No-holds barred revelations from a middle class American who is tired of seeing his beloved country being driven to the ground in recent years by failures in governmental leadership.

These are bare, white knuckle writings from a middle class American that show why this country is slowly being degraded from Number One to third world status. You will learn of a well entrenched radical movement that has been embedded in our institutions of learning for over forty years. And of a well established advocate group for illegal immigration who has survived by using congress to promote their agenda. It also covers a wide range of troublesome subjects that could easily be fixed by sound leadership, and much more. In the meantime, America suffers, and with her, our beloved families.

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