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The Godfly

George Frank Reif (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6925-1 ©2012
Price: $20.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 82 pages
Category/Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE / General

Back when we were just children, the plutocrats took possession of our minds and twisted the truth into power politics. Placing free citizens into a toady, sycophant existence.

The author does actually and truly believe that he is a citizen of the United States of America by birthright, by divine right and a free man. He truly believes that within the words freedom, liberty and justice for all; the word “all” means George Frank Reif also. It means, “me too”. He does think and believe that he has no master, employer, overlord nor despot over him. He believes in a constitutional democracy and not in any plutocracy nor any timocracy.

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